On Sunday, 11 November 2012, Major (ret.) Brent Beardsley gave a powerful presentation reflecting on his experience as a Christian Soldier in Rwanda during the Rwandan genocide from 1993-94. He served as the personal staff officer to then Canadian General Romeo Dallaire before and during the Rwandan genocide that engulfed that nation and ultimately claimed the lives of approximately 1 million people in 100 days.*
As Americans we should listen carefully to Major Beardsley's comments on the events that led to the genocide in Rwanda, and judge whether or not we are following in the exact same steps.
At 27:00 in the audio (link here), Major Beardsley warns us to beware when you resent another group and go through a period of instability with fear and despair with opportunistic politicians who stir up anger. The politicians stir it up until it is a combination of hatred and fear. Hate is only a step away from killing. Hate breeds violence.
Are we Americans not being led to anger, and then hate? At the point of hate, the unthinkable will be possible, and Americans will believe it necessary to kill their fellow Americans just like in Rwanda and also Bosnia. Neighbors will turn on their neighbors, and Christians will turn on their fellow Christians.
We must never allow it to get that far.
Link to Major Beardsley's presentation: Click Here
02:08 Major Beardsley begins speaking
03:50 Rwanda discussion begins
15:45 What did the Tutsis do?
Link to Major Beardsley's slides: Click Here
*Note: Text adapted from the Bethel Church biography found here. Also, AAE does not agree with the comment that Adam and Eve gave us free will. God gave us free will--Adam and Eve happened to choose poorly.
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Disclaimer: These opinions are solely my own, and do not reflect the opinions or official positions of any United States Government agency, organization or department.
As Americans we should listen carefully to Major Beardsley's comments on the events that led to the genocide in Rwanda, and judge whether or not we are following in the exact same steps.
At 27:00 in the audio (link here), Major Beardsley warns us to beware when you resent another group and go through a period of instability with fear and despair with opportunistic politicians who stir up anger. The politicians stir it up until it is a combination of hatred and fear. Hate is only a step away from killing. Hate breeds violence.
Are we Americans not being led to anger, and then hate? At the point of hate, the unthinkable will be possible, and Americans will believe it necessary to kill their fellow Americans just like in Rwanda and also Bosnia. Neighbors will turn on their neighbors, and Christians will turn on their fellow Christians.
We must never allow it to get that far.
Link to Major Beardsley's presentation: Click Here
02:08 Major Beardsley begins speaking
03:50 Rwanda discussion begins
15:45 What did the Tutsis do?
Link to Major Beardsley's slides: Click Here
*Note: Text adapted from the Bethel Church biography found here. Also, AAE does not agree with the comment that Adam and Eve gave us free will. God gave us free will--Adam and Eve happened to choose poorly.
AAE on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AgainstAllEnemies (Click "Like")
AAE on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/@AAEnemies
Disclaimer: These opinions are solely my own, and do not reflect the opinions or official positions of any United States Government agency, organization or department.
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