"Americans United for separation of church and state is a nonpartisan organization dedicated to preserving church-state separation to ensure religious freedom for all Americans."
Americans United is crying "foul" to Kansas Governor Sam Brownback's "promotion of a fundamentalist prayer event" (a ReignDown USA rally):
The "separation of church and state," commonly believed to mean the prohibition of religious discourse in the public forum, is in fact a perversion of what Thomas Jefferson wrote in a letter to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802. His statement to indicate the protection of the church from government interference has been completely flipped on its head to mean no religion in public discourse at all.
Few people know that the US Congress commissioned the publication of the first English Bible in the US to be used in its schools, which clearly does not support this interpretation of what Jefferson said in this letter. Nowhere in the Constitution or Declaration of Independence is there a calling for the "separation of church and state," but instead it says that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion," meaning that they will not set up one denomination in particular as the official state religion of America (such as the Church of England), and "shall make no law...prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
According to Americans United, "Leaders of the fundamentalist movement want to tear down the wall of separation between religion and government and impose their religious viewpoint on all Americans." Well, there never was a "wall" in the way you have interpreted it.
So Governor Brownback, continue to demonstrate the faith of our Founding Fathers--they would have wanted it that way. God bless the State of Kansas.
Governor Brownback's Proclamation
WHEREAS, the State of Kansas will host the national simulcast of REIGNDOWN USA in Topeka on December 8, 2012, bringing thousands here from across the country; and
WHEREAS, people from across America will join the millions from around the world on TV simulcast live from MacLennan Park, in the heart of America; and
WHEREAS, the first REIGNDOWN celebration was held 2008 in Washington DC, on the Capitol Grounds, introduced by proclamation of the President of the United States of America, with millions participating on site, on TV, and by computer; and WHEREAS, regional REIGNDOWN events continued until the need was seen for the gathering to be held in the heart of our Nation; and
WHEREAS, many of our families have slid into poverty, endangering out next generation of citizens, our lands are parched by drought, our quality jobs are scarce, business and industry are struggling to expand, and many of our people have fallen into despair; and
WHEREAS, our Nation’s greatest leaders have called on a merciful God for favor during troubled times, such as:
“We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in numbers, wealth and power as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God.”- Abraham Lincoln, 1863.
“The propitious [favorable] smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.” – George Washington 1789.
“I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.” Thomas Jefferson 1787; and
WHEREAS, we collectively repent of distancing ourselves from God and ask for His mercy on us:
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Sam Brownback, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF KANSAS, do hereby proclaim December 8th 2012, as a Day of Restoration in Kansas and ask every citizen of our state to join in asking a Holy God to bring healing and restoration – help in mending broken lives, bringing peace to our families, our communities, and this land.
DONE: At the Capitol in Topeka under the Great Seal of the State this 23rd day of November, A.D. 2012
--Against All Enemies
Americans United is crying "foul" to Kansas Governor Sam Brownback's "promotion of a fundamentalist prayer event" (a ReignDown USA rally):
Said Vickie Sandell Stangl, president of the Great Plains Chapter of Americans United, "The governor is really overstepping his constitutional bounds. He was elected to serve as governor of our state, not our state pastor-in-chief." (source)
The "separation of church and state," commonly believed to mean the prohibition of religious discourse in the public forum, is in fact a perversion of what Thomas Jefferson wrote in a letter to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802. His statement to indicate the protection of the church from government interference has been completely flipped on its head to mean no religion in public discourse at all.
Few people know that the US Congress commissioned the publication of the first English Bible in the US to be used in its schools, which clearly does not support this interpretation of what Jefferson said in this letter. Nowhere in the Constitution or Declaration of Independence is there a calling for the "separation of church and state," but instead it says that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion," meaning that they will not set up one denomination in particular as the official state religion of America (such as the Church of England), and "shall make no law...prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
According to Americans United, "Leaders of the fundamentalist movement want to tear down the wall of separation between religion and government and impose their religious viewpoint on all Americans." Well, there never was a "wall" in the way you have interpreted it.
So Governor Brownback, continue to demonstrate the faith of our Founding Fathers--they would have wanted it that way. God bless the State of Kansas.
Governor Brownback's Proclamation
WHEREAS, the State of Kansas will host the national simulcast of REIGNDOWN USA in Topeka on December 8, 2012, bringing thousands here from across the country; and
WHEREAS, people from across America will join the millions from around the world on TV simulcast live from MacLennan Park, in the heart of America; and
WHEREAS, the first REIGNDOWN celebration was held 2008 in Washington DC, on the Capitol Grounds, introduced by proclamation of the President of the United States of America, with millions participating on site, on TV, and by computer; and WHEREAS, regional REIGNDOWN events continued until the need was seen for the gathering to be held in the heart of our Nation; and
WHEREAS, many of our families have slid into poverty, endangering out next generation of citizens, our lands are parched by drought, our quality jobs are scarce, business and industry are struggling to expand, and many of our people have fallen into despair; and
WHEREAS, our Nation’s greatest leaders have called on a merciful God for favor during troubled times, such as:
“We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in numbers, wealth and power as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God.”- Abraham Lincoln, 1863.
“The propitious [favorable] smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.” – George Washington 1789.
“I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.” Thomas Jefferson 1787; and
WHEREAS, we collectively repent of distancing ourselves from God and ask for His mercy on us:
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Sam Brownback, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF KANSAS, do hereby proclaim December 8th 2012, as a Day of Restoration in Kansas and ask every citizen of our state to join in asking a Holy God to bring healing and restoration – help in mending broken lives, bringing peace to our families, our communities, and this land.
DONE: At the Capitol in Topeka under the Great Seal of the State this 23rd day of November, A.D. 2012
--Against All Enemies
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