As a person with a background in computer science, (1) I would not trust any voter system software to return reliable results as it could contain programming errors (it is almost impossible to prove that it does not), and (2) I could ensure that programmers design a voting machine system that would return any result that I wanted, and make it extremely difficult to discover this in the source code. And if the malicious code is found, we could claim it was a programming mistake. Therefore voting systems that rely on computer programs to determine election results should be banned as they have a huge potential for both inadvertent error and deliberate voting fraud.
In regards to voting:
(1) Everyone who wishes to vote must be registered to vote.
(2) Everyone who registers to vote must show legitimate government-issued identification.
(3) Everyone who votes must present government-issued identification at the time of voting.
(4) There must be a physical record or artifact of every vote cast, such as a physical ballot. (Electronic or digital records do not meet this criteria.)
Watch the following videos about programmer Clint Curtis' allegations that Rep. Tom Feeney approached him to create vote-rigging software for the Florida elections (I believe these events occurred in 2001 and earlier).
Link to video:
Link to video "Murder Spies and Voting Lies 1" (uploaded in 2009):
Link to videos for Parts 2-6:
"Murder Spies and Voting Lies 2"
"Murder Spies and Voting Lies 3"
"Murder Spies and Voting Lies 4"
"Murder Spies and Voting Lies 5"
"Murder Spies and Voting Lies 6"
--Against All Enemies
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Disclaimer: These opinions are solely my own, and do not reflect the opinions or official positions of any United States Government agency, organization or department.
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